Event Date: 24 Jan 2024 Last Date: 24 Jan 2024 Total Photo : 4

Pre Primary Lotus Buds' Cleanliness Drive

The Pre-Primary Department of LVISN organised a cleanliness drive from 19 to 21 January, 2024. The young Lotus Buds were apprised about the importance and different facets of cleanliness, including cleanliness of self, surroundings and the country at large. The journey of learning for all the grades commenced with an audio- visual stimuli through a video, emphasising on the need of acting responsibly towards preserving the sanctity of environment and self-hygiene. The children were encouraged to inspire others for a clean and healthier mother Earth. The tiny Lotusions enthusiastically took ‘Swachhata Pledge’ and vowed to work towards keeping their immediate surroundings and country clean.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida