Event Date: 22 Apr 2024 Last Date: 22 Apr 2024 Total Photo : 10

Climate Action: Small Steps, Big Impact

On April 16, 2024, students of class VII organized a compelling assembly focused on Sustainable Development Goal 13, underscoring the urgency of addressing climate change. Their innovative presentation, incorporating dance, rap with beatboxing, and a thought-provoking skit, effectively contrasted past and present climates due to human actions. Ending with practical steps for the audience, the assembly left a lasting impression. This creative fusion not only captivated the audience but also conveyed the message that even small actions can significantly combat climate change. It served as a poignant reminder that initiating change is never too late, echoing the words of Barack Obama: "We are the first generation to feel the effect of climate change and the last generation who can do something about it." In the face of climate change, let us remember: "The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth." - Chief Seattle

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida