Event Date: 16 Jul 2024 Last Date: 16 Jul 2024 Total Photo : 18

Scholars and Council Members Felicitated at LVISN

On 16 July 2024, LVISN organized the Middle School's Scholar Badge and Junior Investiture Ceremony, marking a day of academic achievements and leadership recognition. The event's theme, "Flight to Fame: Soar Beyond Limits," carried forth the message to transcend obstacles and embrace innovation. Forty-six illustrious students took the oath of office, while scholars of distinction were recognised for their relentless pursuit of knowledge and unwavering determination. Honourable Chief Guest, Commandant Sumit Pant, an accomplished Indian Coast Guard officer, Director Principal Dr Ruchi Seth, Vice Principal Ms Shilpika Dass, and Middle School Incharge Ms Neerja Rishi were joined by gratified teachers and parents of the meritorious students. The event commenced with the auspicious lighting of the lamp and a multi-faith prayer symbolizing unity and hope. Director Principal Dr Ruchi Seth delivered an inspiring address emphasizing the importance of dedication, hard work, and integration of 21st-century skills in education. A video showcasing students' initiatives on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underscored the school's commitment to integrating these goals into daily educational practices. The newly sworn-in Student Council led the audience in a heartfelt rendition of the school song, followed by an inspiring address from the honourable Chief Guest, Commandant Sumit Pant. The event also featured a dazzling dance performance embodying the spirit of perseverance. The ceremony concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Ms Neerja Rishi, and the National Anthem.

Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida
Lotus Valley International School, Noida